Meet Josh Byrne, Perth’s 18-year-old boxing sensation

In recent years, Perth has proven to be a major player when it comes to growing high quality fighting talent, whether that be in MMA or boxing.

A young man who is seen to have huge potential to go all the way is Perth’s Josh Byrne. We had the opportunity to speak to the Perth native about his journey so far.

When did your boxing journey start?

JB: I was 10 when I started and it was just for fitness at first, but as I got older, and had a few wins I thought I could maybe turn it into a career.

What do you like about boxing?

JB: It’s a bit like an addiction, once you start and you win a fight, you get that good feeling and then when you win you just want to carry that feeling on. I love the sport, I love everything about it, once I get into it, I find it so easy to carry on and maintain my fitness.

Where do you currently train?

JB: Right now, I train at Big Rigs in Malaga, the guys are really nice and my trainer Rig is a great guy. I feel like I can talk to him about anything, they are a great bunch of guys to train with.

For every great boxer of today, there is a background influence from one of the greats of the past. Which boxer inspired you?


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