Training camp is a ton of fun for fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers, with it being the only time of the year where they can be so close to the team. For players, it’s a grind. Not only do they have to leave their homes to live in a college dorm for a handful of weeks, but Mike Tomlin does not take it easy on them, having them practice through intense heat or driving rain. However, based on some recent comments, it seems like it’s all a boatload of fun for Tomlin.

Speaking to the media after practice Sunday, Tomlin was asked how he’s feeling about players putting pads on next week.

“It’s just a component of the process,” Tomlin said per the team’s website. “I love every component of this process though. I’m a football lover. I’m a team development lover. Training camp is Kennywood for me.”

For those of you unsure of what Kennywood is, it’s an amusement park in the Pittsburgh area, filled with roller coasters, carnival games, and delicious, unhealthy food. For almost anyone else in the world, it could not be more different from training camp. Players probably do not share Tomlin’s sentiment. Although they may love football, having to line up in pads on a scorching day in Latrobe, Pa., has to feel as far from Kennywood as anything in the world.

Only Tomlin would look at what is essentially the start of the new work year for him and treat it like a vacation to an amusement park. The only roller coaster in camp is usually the play of the Steelers’ offense. There are no Potato Patch Fries, only cafeteria food. The only prize anyone is winning is good cardio. It’s another hilarious soundbite from Tomlin, who loves football more than almost anything.

Kennywood is overrated anyway, and doesn’t hold up compared to Idlewild, the other Pittsburgh-area amusement park that also has a pool zone. On hot days like today, players probably wish they could go to Idlewild, which is in nearby Ligonier, or even Kennywood.

However, this time of year is important, and having someone like Tomlin in charge who loves this part of the process is why the Steelers continue to be one of the NFL’s most consistent teams. Training camp sets the groundwork for the season. Having Tomlin around to keep energy levels high sets the stage for the upcoming season. Him feeling like camp is Kennywood is a good thing, and also just another component of what makes Tomlin unique. Next time fans are at Kennywood, be on the lookout for Tomlin in line for the Black Widow. See if he brings the same intensity from camp to an amusement park.


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