Photo: Golden State Warriors/YouTube screenshot

Draymond Green expressed regret over his absence at former teammate Jordan Poole’s contract celebration party, a pivotal moment in the young player’s career.

Green’s candid admission came on “The Draymond Green Show,” where he revealed the pain of missing out on commemorating Poole’s contract with the Warriors.

The rift between Green and Poole stemmed from a scrimmage incident where Green inadvertently hit Poole in the face before the 2022-23 season.

Despite their fractured relationship, Poole’s achievement of securing a four-year, $128 million contract with the Warriors was a cause for celebration, one that Green deeply regrets not being a part of.

Reflecting on the missed opportunity, Green described it as “one of the worst feelings” he’s experienced as an NBA player.

“One of the worst feelings I’ve ever had as an NBA basketball player, was seeing him get a contract and knowing that I f*cked it off and I couldn’t celebrate his contract with him,” Green said.

“I think he had like a party or something with his people in San Francisco or something and to not be able to go celebrate that with him. And I f*cked it off. I did. I ain’t gonna sit here and act like I didn’t. I f*cked it off. I take it on the chin. It is what it is. I don’t hide from my f*ck ups. Just like I don’t hide from my wins.”

“It hurts,” Green added.


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