Cary Edmondson-USA TODAY Sports

KL: Yes, I think it’s more of his mindset. His game has always been there. He’s always been talented. He’s always been an athletic freak. He’s always been a great mid-range shooter, he’s always been putting a lot of pressure on the rim. Our offense isn’t always the easiest offense to learn, especially as a rookie. So much movement, so many things going on, and so much chaos with Steph and Klay creating. Sometimes it’s hard to find a foot into that. I think he’s been doing a great job taking pressure off Steph, taking pressure off Klay, and he’s added another dynamic to our offense.

I think his mentality has been great. He’s been patient and hasn’t been trying to force anything. He’s letting the game come to him, and he’s also been an elite defender. I think that’s been his mindset. Sometimes things didn’t go his way in years past, and he’d be mad at himself, but now he misses a couple of shots, he’s still playing hard, he’s still making the next play, and he’s still talking to the team, and he’s been more vocal.


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