The fight is over in the 6th! Inoue delivers a knockout punch, starting with a right uppercut and finishing with a straight right, gently tucking Nery in for a nap. That’s a textbook knockout, folks!

As for Round 5: Inoue unleashes a couple of right hands, then offers Nery a delightful jab. He’s having a grand time out there, treating Nery like it’s a game of tag. Inoue throws a straight right hand, and down goes Nery again, courtesy of a punishing left hook. Oh, the delight! Nery rises to his feet, but he’s definitely almost done.

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Round 4: Inoue, the king of mind games, decides to have a little fun with Nery after landing some shots. He throws a solid right, and what does Nery do? Laughs it off, like it’s a comedy show. Inoue’s not fazed, though; he keeps the banter going, landing shots and sharing a laugh or two with Nery. Then comes a solid right from Inoue, followed by some body shots.

Round 3: Things slow down in this round, but the drama is still there, lurking in the shadows. A clean right to the chin gives Nery a little wake-up call. And another one, just for good measure. Nery’s still swinging that left counter like he’s got a prayer, but let’s face it, the champ is running the show now.

Round 2: Inoue decides it’s time to take back the reins. He throws a crisp one-two combo, followed by a solid jab, just to remind everyone who’s boss. The champ plays it safe after that little scare earlier. Inoue then kindly delivers two rights to the body before treating Nery to a little trip to the canvas with a sharp left hook! Nery gets back up, and the circus continues!

Round 1: Ah, the thrill of uncertainty! Inoue decides to throw caution to the wind with a wild right, as if to say, “Let’s make this interesting!” Both fighters throw heavy punches. Then, out of nowhere, a massive left hand from Nery crashes down, and Inoue hits the canvas . Oh, the drama! He’s in a pickle, scrambling back, dazed, and wobbling like a newborn foal. But lo and behold, he somehow manages to pull himself together and survive the round! What a rollercoaster!

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Yoshiki Takei Shocks Jason Moloney, Takes His Title

Round one was a tactical win for Yoshiki Takei, boxing well behind a southpaw jab to keep Moloney at bay. However, he was warned three times for low blows.

In the first minute of round two, Takei seizes the moment while Moloney looks sluggish, reacting like a sloth. Unsurprisingly, Takei loses a point. Predictable. Meanwhile, Moloney’s movement seems completely random, like he’s got no clue what’s going on in the fight. Takei’s not buying it one bit.

Takei needs to make up his mind about those body shots. If he keeps aiming low, he’ll lose more points, no two ways about it. Moloney is gimping around, effective but utterly ridiculous with his flailing arms. Wobbling around like a madman. No body shots from Takei in the first minute, but he takes a swing with two minutes left. Looks like he’s sticking with the body work, and it wins him the third round, just like the first. Moloney’s floundering, nowhere to be seen.

Moloney starts strong in the fourth but slips, which could wreck whatever momentum he had going. The first two minutes are tight, but Takei dominates the last 50 seconds with quick punches against a disorganized Moloney. The Aussie needs to win the fifth, or it’s knockout or nothing.

Moloney bags the sixth round with cleaner shots, but Takei starts to tire in the eighth.

Moloney’s problem? He’s in these rounds, maybe even winning them, but they’re too close to call. The early rounds are clear as day, though, so the scorecards could get wild if this continues. Still, Takei should have this locked down, landing the better shots in a tight round.

Round 10: Takei wins the first 90 seconds with single punches, cruising through without taking real risks. He switches back to the body in the second half and wins that too.

Moloney looks sluggish from the start, and it’s not a great performance overall. Final round: Moloney needs a knockout. He’s shown guts but has been outgunned most of the fight. Takei’s boxed brilliantly.

Best round for Moloney, nearly flooring a tired Takei. That was a wild end! If Moloney had brought that heat a few rounds earlier, things could’ve gotten spicy. Final Scores: 117-110, 116-111, 116-111.

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Takuma Inoue Outpoints Ishida in a One-Sided Decision

Sho Ishida must have thought he was on cloud nine when he dropped Takuma Inoue in the first round with a jab. But unfortunately for him, his plan to coast off that early knockdown fell apart faster than a cheap suit. Inoue quickly shook off the stumble and got back to work, leaving Ishida to look like a lost puppy, waiting for another miracle punch that never came.

Takuma picked up the pace from round two onward, with Ishida lagging behind and unable to land anything meaningful. Sure, Ishida showed flashes of competence here and there, but by the time he realized he needed a new game plan, Inoue was already racking up rounds.

Even in the fifth round, Ishida’s jab was a reliable tool, but Inoue’s heavier shots made sure the judges stayed firmly on his side. The latter half of the fight turned into a masterclass of Inoue exploiting every gap in Ishida’s defence. Sho seemed content to let Takuma dictate the pace and looked more like he was auditioning for a punching bag role than a fighter hungry for victory.

By the time the scorecards rolled in, it was clear that Ishida needed a knockout in the final round. The judges didn’t have to think too hard on this one, handing Inoue the victory. Official Scores: 118-109, 188-109, 116-111 – the fight was much closer in my opinion.

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Akui Schools Kuwahara in a One-Sided Slugfest

In the first round, Kuwahara strutted in like he owned the place. But in the second, Akui hunted him down like a heat-seeking missile with that cracking left jab. He turned those jabs into hooks and lobbed a straight right for good measure. Kuwahara suddenly looked timid—no combos, just basic two-punch efforts. Akui tortured him with the left and battered him with the right. But hey, Kuwahara still had a pulse, so that’s something.

Round 3 promised fireworks, and Akui delivered, storming forward like a ruthless machine. He jabbed like a man possessed, unleashing compact combos to Kuwahara’s head and body. Vicious rights sent Kuwahara reeling late in the round. Despite being a close fight (if you’re Kuwahara’s mom), Akui seemed ready to end it all after 100 seconds. But Kuwahara fought back with a few timid body shots. Still, he was too scared to target the body, probably terrified Akui would snap his chin clean off with a right.

Akui parried Kuwahara’s jabs and rights beautifully, countering with vicious rights. He landed the harder shots, and boy, did they add up. In Round 6, he came out with laser-like focus, hammering Kuwahara with his straight right like a missile. Both men traded body shots, but Akui’s relentless pressure and sweeping hooks made sure Kuwahara had zero hope. Kuwahara tried to flurry late, but it was too little, too late. Classic.

Round 7? More of the same. Akui controlled the pace with fast, hard punches. Kuwahara fought back, but it was like trying to fight a bulldozer with a rubber duck. He lacked any strategy, leaving himself wide open to Akui’s relentless attacks. Though he battled his way back into the contest, Akui still had the upper hand, keeping Kuwahara right where he wanted him.

In the eighth round, Akui’s monstrous combo rocked Kuwahara, who barely kept his feet. Kuwahara occasionally landed a left or two, but Akui answered with brutal rights. By now, Akui was up six rounds to two, and it wasn’t even close.

Round 10 saw Akui land a monster right that left Kuwahara stumbling like a drunken sailor. He cut off the ring magnificently, cracking Kuwahara with looping hooks every time he dared pause. Kuwahara fired back with a furious flurry, but Akui shrugged it off and pounded him around the ring like a speed bag.

In the final round, Kuwahara tried to seize control, but Akui drove him back like a man moving furniture. Akui never looked like he was doing anything but sparring with a quality training partner. He schooled Kuwahara from bell to bell. So, let’s all pretend this was close and give Kuwahara a medal for participation. The final scores: 117-111, 117-111, 118-110 for Akui.


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