Ryan Garcia posted video footage of himself dropping a skinny sparring partner with a left-fight combination today as he prepares for his April 20th fight against Devin Haney. It looked like a flash knockdown rather than a legitimate one.

The knockdown looked as convincing as a $3 bill. It had a totally staged look to it, and the only thing that was missing was the applause.

Some fans on social media believe the sparring partner was lightweight Frank Martin, who shares the same trainer as Ryan in Derrick James.

Backlash on Social Media

Whoever it was, people aren’t impressed with Ryan (24-1, 20 KOs) and think it’s a classless, lowlife move by the gazillionaire to post a clip of his best moment at the expense of some hapless, less well-off sparring partner just trying to help out.

It’s unclear what kind of reaction Ryan thought he was going to receive from the fans, but he really misjudged them. Kingry probably thought he was going to receive praise and adoration from his flock, but they’re lighting into him, viewing him as a wretch for posting the clip. Did Ryan think he was going to get applause?

It’s one thing for someone to film sparring and leak secretly, but it’s contemptible when a fighter posts his own clips where he’s thrashing some poor soul, especially when they’re filthy rich.

“Honestly he legit though, he fight his a** off,” said Ryan Garcia on X, talking about his sparring partner. “If I pay someone big money, I can do what I want with footage. He is a future champion. Y’all mad asf for what?”

But hey, at least his right hand is… improving?

One positive about the sparring footage is that Ryan dropped the fighter with a right hand rather than a left hooks, which is his trademark punch. Ryan’s right has been his weak arm his entire career, and he’s not shown improvements until perhaps now.

Ryan is going to need a lot of luck if he thinks he’s going to land that same punch on Haney.


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